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Hollo Manuella Andrada

"I am devoted to the expression of my soul rather than to the reproduction of natural phenomena. Sometimes the paintings themselves surprise me as the ideas miraculously flow through me."



Neil French

The Copywriter

Undoubtedly one of the most talented painters, and as a person? Imagine the energy of her paintings in human form. It's her.
Spirit trees 1.jpg










Hollo Manuella Andrada is an emerging artist living in the artistic village of Deia, Mallorca.

She was born in Cluj- Napoca and raised in Hungary. She graduated from University of Pecs with a Master of Arts degree in Painting in 2010 and attended the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Hertfordshire, England.

Her paintings have been featured in solo and group exhibitions in various galleries, including Art and Design Gallery, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield; Budapest: Kogart Gallery; Teto Gallery; Gozsdu Udvar; Palace of Arts; Pécs: Hattyuhaz Gallery; Mallorca: Nit de l ́Art Palma; Sa Tafona Gallery, La Residencia, Deia. She sells her paintings all over the world.

“I lovéPlain-Aiŕ. Within it, I'm connected to God from Whom my inspiration is fundamentally taken. My art makes an attempt to pursue the spiritualism behind the grandeur of nature and tries to claim it’s truth at once. My painting always takes place within nature where I can easily enter into a state of flow. All my senses open wide and with my brush-strokes, I

am able to continuously express my emerging feelings. While I stay intensely focused for those few hours, time disappears and I become, for some special moments, one with nature.

My themes largely depend on my place of residence. Currently, as I am living in a small, paradise village between mountains and the sea, my most preferred topic is the Landscape that surrounds me. Through the action of painting, I enter into a “dreamland universe” where colours a vibrant exaggerated in comparison to the realm of nature, and forms become emotional and impulsive.

Vivid colors and rough textures play a crucial role in my creations. I enjoy having abstract colourful bases for my paintings and to leave space for unexpected “accidents” and “automatic gestures”. I also carefully choose my subject matter and make sure that I'm emotionally moved by it. When it comes to painting I am completely absorbed in the process, and I often imagine the sounds of the colors.

I create my paintings in a very short period of time therefore they have the power to express different vibes, moods, and atmospheres. They capture the ambiance of a certain place. I am devoted to the expression of my soul rather than to the reproduction of natural phenomena.

Considering the history of art, Post-Impressionism and Fauvism leave there marks on my works. I am immensely enthusiastic about the endless variety of technical possibilities and I adore constantly entertaining myself by experimenting with new approaches. Sometimes the paintings themselves surprise me as the ideas miraculously flow through me. My works are also influenced by Music and Literature as wonderful related branches of Art and great helpers of Fine Art.


Kandinsky said: “Color is a power which directly influences the soul. My attempt is to present the audience with intellectual and emotional experiences, suggesting what may be behind the physical world. It is also my aim to convey my personal experiences in an understandable way.


Taking off from Paysage I would like to broaden my art in more directions. I am exploring the idea of jumping right into my new project called “80 paintings around the world”, where I can exploit my desire to instantly capture beautiful scenes from many countries in the world. My hope and my mission are to bring changes within people ́s hearts’ through my artwork.

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